Galapagos Up Close

Be intrepid and visit the Galapagos Up Close, one of the most fantastic destinations on the planet to view islands in a very natural state. While some are colonized with people who came in the last century for commercial sea fishing, today they have largely embraced conservation.

Despite being highly managed, visitors can experience these volcanic islands on guided hiking walks, snorkeling, diving, sea kayaking trips. Birding, botany and wildlife make up the bulk of the reasons people come here, but the vast beauty is not to be underestimated. Photography is a major craft people can develop and practice here. While cruising the islands is the most well known way to explore, you can also spend time on a few of the islands as a land based visitor too.

There are many price options depending on your inclinations and you can have visits here for as few as 3 days to 15 days.

Use the form below to request a phone call or an email back from us for more information on planning a trip.

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