Oaxaca-Chocolate y Chiles

If you love to travel and love Mexico’s foods, this trip in Oaxaca is a great starter recipe. Watch this video featuring Intrepid’s Real Food Adventure to see how much fun it can be as a group.

Oaxaca is actually not only a city, but a great state that runs from the mountains to the sea in the southern most region of Mexico. It’s a region populated by indigenous peoples with their own languages, beliefs and foods with markets you can visit that are brimming with traditional ingredients. The most celebrated gifts from Mexico to the world, chocolate and chiles, originated here.

Oaxaca City is the centre of the Zapotec and Mixtec cultures and the nearby archeological site of Monte Alban is one of the most important sites in the Americas. Both Monte Alban and Oaxaca are UNESCO world heritage sites.

Amongst its many unique aspects, Monte Alban has over 170 burial chambers, more than any other known site in Mexico. Excavated ceramics have show continuous habitation for at least 1500 years. (For some stunning photos of Monte Alban see this post on City A Month.)

This nine day tour starts in Mexico City then makes it way to Puebla to ultimately spend 5 full nights touring the Oaxaca region. There are three nights in the city and two nights in a sleepy ocean side village by Huatulco with a full day trip through the incredible mountain scenery between the two. For a detailed itinerary of this trip link here

Travel with a group not your style? This program can be set up for a private guided or semi-guided trip.

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