Is Scotland Calling You Home?
Scottish people have settled in all parts of the world but most notably in Canada. According to Wikipedia, there are more descendants of Scots in Canada than the total population of Scotland and they make up nearly 13% of the Canadian population. The history of Canada is tied to the Scottish explorers, canny businessmen and bankers, engineers, fisherman, miners, farmers and settlers, all seeking a new world to change their lives. Now is a great time to travel Scotland and visit the land your ancestors once called home.
Find Your Roots and Travel Scotland
The Scots have a long history that is recorded in archives in many parts the country and you can find information about your family origins fairly easily online. Your first stop could be to look on the website Scotland’s People https://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk/. This is a great site and I was able to track down my father’s, father’s, father in Dundee, and now I’m looking back further to Ireland for an O’Donnell connection. (My ancestors on my mother’s side go back to eastern Europe, but that’s a whole other adventure.)
If this kind of thing get’s under your skin, then it’s short leap to want see the lands, towns, and cultures that we came from.
Scotland is a fantastic place to call “home” and we offer several options: packages, short and medium length tours that let you break up your trip into partially guided and self guided segments, active trips and city stays with lots of unique accommodations.
Contact Us to Travel Scotland, Registered Scots Agents